Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cobblestone & Castles

While the departure to Scotland was quite an adventure, going from San Diego to San Francisco to Heathrow to Glasgow to finally boarding a train to Motherwell; my return in comparison was quite a luxury. Flying standby has it's downfalls as it took me 5 days to catch up with my team after not being able to get on a flight. However, the upsides are sweet as a flew Business class back to Los Angeles. I felt undeserving as I ate my filet mignon and cheese platter (no joke) and watched movies while playing tetris in my full reclining chair as my team sat in economy, not even being allowed to venture forward to my cabin. The flight did give me much needed quality time to reflect on the whirlwind of the last 3 weeks.

God is a funny God. I can't quite figure Him out. Why He designs with so much detail into our lives His grace and love when we make every day decisions to do it our way anyways is beyond me. Scotland was no exception as we ventured into Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, Wishaw, Motherwell, Carluke, Luss, Callander, and many other big and smaller parts of Scotland. The history of the church is seen on every corner and the church is exactly that, History.

The reformation posed an opportunity for freedom IN religion and had hopes to allow ALL who so desires to know God, could very well have that opportunity. A relationship with God was no longer limited to the priests and the "Holy" ones who could read and write. This relationship was made available to the people, as it was done so 2000 plus years beforehand when Jesus made it known that everything He had to give was for Everyone who was willing to receive it.  No limitation on credentials, or weights and scales of sin, just willingness.

We toured not as tourists seeking history or beauty, but seeking people. Of course you can meet people in your own backyard, but unfortunately, it usually takes breaking your routine to truly make yourself available to the work God has for you. As we met people throughout Scotland, we were encouraged and encouraging others I hope to love one another. Love and tolerance have somehow jumped into the same playing field nowadays, but they are quite different. Tolerance merely "puts up with", it hardly loves. (but that's a side note).

I have details of people and places, stories of transformation and renewal, but I'm still sorting all that out for myself. Perhaps I'll leak onto this blog as time goes on. Cobblestones and castles simply put, are what comes to mind when I think of Scotland, but that's just the surface. There is much that is deeper that I hope to figure out how to put on paper and in practice.

Thanks for your support. Stay tuned..

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